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A hypothetical scheme of the thalamus, a central part of your brain. |
Red, theory; black, fact.
Thalamic processing as Laplace transform
More in Deprecated, Part 1. I postulate that the thalamus performs a Laplace transform (LT). All the connections shown are established anatomical facts, and are based on the summary diagram of lateral geniculate nucleus circuitry of Steriade et al. (Steriade, M., Jones E. G. and McCormick, D. A. (1997) Thalamus, 2 Vols. Amsterdam: Elsevier). What I have added is feedback from cortex as a context-sensitive enabling signal for the analytical process. I originally guessed that the triadic synapses are differentiators, but now I think that they are function multipliers.
Thalamic electrophysiology
The thalamic low-threshold spike (LTS) is a slow calcium spike that triggers further spiking that appears in extracellular recordings as a distinctive cluster of four or five sodium spikes. The thalamus also has an alternative response mode consisting of fast single spikes, which is observed at relatively depolarized membrane potentials.
The thalamic low-threshold spike as triggered by a hyperpolarization due to an electric current pulse injected into the neuron through the recording electrode. ACSF, normal conditions; TTX, sodium spikes deleted pharmacologically. From my thesis, page 167. |
Network relationships of the thalamus
Depolarizing input to thalamus from cortex is conjectured to be a further requirement for the LTS-burst complex. This depolarization is conjectured to take the form of a pattern of spots, each representing a mask to detect a specific pole of the stimulus that the attentional system is looking for in that context.
The complex frequency plane is where LTs are graphed, usually as a collection of points. Some of these are "poles," where gain goes to infinity, and others are "zeroes," where gain goes to zero. I assume that the cerebral cortex-thalamus system takes care of the poles, while the superior and inferior colliculi take care of the zeroes.
If this stimulus is found, the pattern of poles must still be recognized. This may be accomplished through a cortical AND-element wired up on Hebbian principles among cortical neurons. These neurons synapse on each other by extensive recurrent collaterals, which might be the anatomical substrate of the conjectured AND-elements. Explosive activation of the AND network would then be the signal that the expected stimulus has been recognized, as Hebb proposed long ago, and the signal would then be sent forward in the brain via white matter tracts to the motor cortex, which would output a collection of excitation spots representing the LT of the desired response.
Presumably, a reverse LT is then applied, possibly by the spinal grey, which I have long considered theoretically underemployed in light of its considerable volume. If we assume that the cerebral cortex is highly specialized for representing LTs, then motor outputs from cerebellum and internal globus pallidus would also have to be transformed to enable the cortex to represent them. In agreement with this, the motor cortex is innervated by prominent motor thalami, the ventrolateral (for cerebellar inputs) and the ventroanterior (for pallidal inputs).
Brain representation of Laplace transforms
The difficulty is to see how a two-dimensional complex plane can be represented on a two-dimensional cerebral cortex without contradicting the results of receptive field studies, which clearly show that the two long dimensions of the cortex represent space in egocentric coordinates. This just leaves the depth dimension for representing the two dimensions of complex frequency.
A simple solution is that the complex frequency plane is tiled by the catchment basins of discrete, canonical poles, and all poles in a catchment basin are represented approximately by the nearest canonical pole. It then becomes possible to distinguish the canonical poles in the cerebral cortex by the labelled-line mechanism (i.e., by employing different cell-surface adhesion molecules to control synapse formation.)
A simple solution is that the complex frequency plane is tiled by the catchment basins of discrete, canonical poles, and all poles in a catchment basin are represented approximately by the nearest canonical pole. It then becomes possible to distinguish the canonical poles in the cerebral cortex by the labelled-line mechanism (i.e., by employing different cell-surface adhesion molecules to control synapse formation.)
Recalling that layer 1 of cortex is mostly processes, this leaves us with five cortical cell layers not yet assigned to functions. Four of them might correspond to the four quadrants of the complex frequency plane, which differ qualitatively in the motions they represent. The two granule-cell layers 2 and 4 are interleaved with the two pyramidal-cell layers 3 and 5. The two granule layers might be the top and bottom halves of the left half-plane, which represents decaying, stabilized motions. The two pyramidal layers might represent the top and bottom halves of the right half-plane, which represents dangerously growing, unstable motions. Since the latter represent emergency conditions, the signal must be processed especially fast, requiring fast, large-diameter axons. Producing and maintaining such axons requires correspondingly large cell bodies. This is why I assign the relatively large pyramidal cells to the right half-plane.
Intra-thalamic operations
It is beginning to look like the thalamus computes the Laplace transform just the way it is defined: the integral of the product of the input time-domain function and an exponentially decaying or growing sinusoid (eigenfunction). A pole would be recognized after a finite integration time as the integrand rising above a threshold. This thresholding is plausibly done in cortical layer 4, against a background of elevated inhibition controlled by the recurrent layer-6 collaterals that blocks intermediate calculation results from propagating further into the cortex. The direct projections from layer 6 down to thalamus would serve to trigger the analysis and rescale eigenfunction tempo to compensate for changes in behavioral tempo. Reverberation of LTS-bursting activity between thalamic reticular neurons and thalamic principal neurons would be the basis of the oscillatory activity involved in implementing the eigenfunctions. This is precedented by the spindling mechanism and the phenomenon of Parkinsonian tremor cells.
Consequences for object recognition
The foregoing system could be used to extract objects from the incoming data by in effect assuming that the elements or features of an object always share the same motion and therefore will be represented by the same set of poles. An automatic process of object extraction may therefore be implemented as a tendency for Hebbian plasticity to involve the same canonical pole at two different cortical locations that are connected by recurrent axon collaterals.